Dossier de Presse
Dernières parutions
MOSOLF and Stanley Robotics join forces to launch their first compound robotisation
Stanley Robotics and MOSOLF lay the foundation for the future: the go-live for automated compound logistics! MOSOLF, a leading technology and logistics service provider in the international automotive industry, started a first test project together w
GEFCO teste le robot mobile autonome de Stanley Robotics pour les opérations de stockage de véhicules
GEFCO, expert mondial de la supply chain multimodale et leader européen de la logistique automobile, démarre, sur sa plateforme de Nanteuil-le-Haudouin, un test en conditions réelles d’exploitation de Stan, le robot autonome mobile de Stanley Ro
Stanley Robotics & Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Join Forces with Partnership Agreement
Stanley Robotics has signed a Partnership Framework Agreement with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), which will also include an investment in our company. Stanley Robotics and MHI Group will partner to deliver business opportunities in Japan a